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The Wind Ensemble is the Honors Concert ensemble composed of the top musicians in the Cougar Band program. Members are expected to strive for the highest level of individual excellence. Expectations for members include: studying with a private instructor, auditioning for honor bands, etc.  To maintain membership in the Wind Ensemble, members must demonstrate proficiency by passing regular playing tests.  Performance opportunities include: Winter Production, Pre-State Concert, SC Concert Band State Assessment, spring Band Revue, and invitational opportunities.

The Symphonic Band is composed of mostly underclassmen, and focuses on skill building for the future.  The expectations for members are similar to those of Wind Ensemble.  Performance opportunities include: Winter Production & spring Band Revue.




BOE Testing

What is BOE testing? 

A comprehensive test in band that is aligned with the standards of the SCBDA and Region Band requirements.

Who is tested? 

ALL horn line and percussion students

How does this testing count? 

A major project grade for the 2nd nine weeks

What does this test measure? 

The ability and skill level of the student.  The student’s ability to prepare themselves both cooperatively and independently for a major performance project.  Students may also be moved to a more appropriate band class for 2nd semester based on test results.

When is the test?

Mid November

How will students know what is required? 

All students will receive a BOE packet in October

How will students prepare? 

Students will study this material in class both cooperatively and independently and have individual “benchmark” tests/quizzes (these are located on the online calendar)

As a parent, how can I help my student prepare? 

Your student has been on a required “team” practice regimen.  After this week students are required to have a level of discipline to practice on their own, at home independently.  Please help your student develop an independent regimen and routine.

o   Students should go from practicing 8-11 hours a week as a team during marching season, to AT LEAST 2-5 hours a week at home to maximize their personal achievement level.

BOE Testing – Band Objective Evaluation: 

  • Material consists of State standards and objectives per grade level

    • 12 major scales at full range for ALL & 26 American Rudiments & Timpani Tuning for Percussion

    • Chromatic scale at full range for ALL & Developed snare drum buzz roll pp<ff>pp

    • Solo/Etude (Percussion: abbreviated solos for snare, mallets, & timpani


  • A “benchmark” test for band students

  • A major project grade

  • Result/score could possibly place student in a different band class for 2nd semester

  • Part distribution for concert band part

Region & All-State Band

Solo & Ensemble / Solo Projects

Link to Solo Selection

State Solo & Ensemble Assessment

  • Signups and fee payments for the State S&E Assessment will begin approx. 2 weeks before the deadline posted on the calendar.

    • Solo fee is $ 6.00 per person

    • Ensemble fee is $ 4.00 per person

    • Students may use funds from their Kids Account to pay for this event (See Mr. Brooks)

  • Solo & Ensemble takes place at Sullivan Mill Middle School. 

  • The DEADLINE to register is located on the calendar.

  • ALL students will learn a solo for a grade during the month of April – “solo project”. 

    • If students play their solo at Solo & Ensemble and make a Superior rating, they are exempt from performing their solo project for the class during the week of April 24th and will receive an automatic “A” for their solo project grade.

  • This is one of the final events that wind & percussion students must participate in to receive their letter or bar

    • Students MUST play a solo for it to count towards their letter or bar, but may also play in small ensemble like duet, trios, and quartets

SOLO Projects

·A major student assessment for spring semester will be the solo project.

·Students will be given a variety of solos to select from.

·Students will have approximately 3 weeks to prepare the solo and rehearse the solo with prerecorded accompaniment.

·Students who are registered to perform their solo at the State Solo & Ensemble Assessment who receive a Superior rating will NOT have to present their solo in class and will receive an automatic “A” for their solo project grade

**All other students should be prepared to present their solo projects on the presentation date located on the calendar.

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